1 min read

Recreational Vehicles – What You Need To Know!

Apr 19, 2013 3:54:00 AM

If you own, borrow, or rent recreational vehicles, you have a lot of responsibility on your hands. Everyone looks forward to having fun and no one counts on having an accident. Unfortunately, they happen and it’s important to be prepared in case one occurs.

First, have an effective risk management strategy. Protecting your assets, your vehicles, is an obvious place to start. Ensuring this protection starts with maintenance. Implementing a schedule of routine servicing and checks can guarantee the safety of your vehicles and potentially catch an issue before is poses a significant threat.

Second, purchase the right insurance coverage. Most homeowner's policies cover liability for recreational vehicles on premises only. Be aware that taking the vehicle across the street provides no liability coverage. Be sure to have both on and off premises recreational vehicle liability. The cost is usually minimal and it's not worth the risk to self-insure this exposure.

Third, have rules and guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety. While it may seem a bit over-protective, providing guidelines for operating a vehicle is incredibly important. It sets the stage for safety as a top priority. Safety tips and practices will keep you, your family, and friends informed and hopefully safe.

Your responsibilities as the owner of a recreational vehicle are serious. However, with effective risk management, the right coverage, and placing safety first, you are likely to have hours of fun making a lifetime of memories.

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Written by Gibson

Gibson is a team of risk management and employee benefits professionals with a passion for helping leaders look beyond what others see and get to the proactive side of insurance. As an employee-owned company, Gibson is driven by close relationships with their clients, employees, and the communities they serve. The first Gibson office opened in 1933 in Northern Indiana, and as the company’s reach grew, so did their team. Today, Gibson serves clients across the country from offices in Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Utah.